2024 Friends and Supporters
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Scripps Howard Foundation
National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The Brooks and Joan Fortune Family Foundation Inc.
Virginia Wellington Cabot Foundation
Ambrose Monell Foundation
Bradley Media Foundation
Samuel I. Newhouse Foundation Inc.
Cabot Kjellerup Foundation
Josef Sternberg Memorial Fund
The Fledgling Fund
Gannett Foundation
Patterson Family Foundation
International Women's Media Foundation
The Cowles Charitable Trust
Gleicher Burness Foundation
Google News Initiative
Bloomberg L.P.
Dow Jones/News Corp
Comcast NBC Universal/NBC Universal News Group
Associated Press
The New York Times Company
Bank of America
Exile Content Studio
Fox Corporation
McKinsey & Company
TRACE International
The Washington Post
Ernst & Young
SC Johnson
CBS News
GRF CPAs and Advisors
APCO Worldwide
Arent Fox LLP
CBIZ/Jet Benefits
CCS Fundraising
Diversity Travel
Arthur F. Burns Fellowship Program Inc.
Instituto Serrapilheira
Media Matters for Democracy
The One Campaign
University of Missouri
Government Agencies
U.S. Department of State
Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office
U.S. Embassy, Tbilisi
United States Agency for International Development
U.S. Embassy, Tunis
U.S. Embassy, Skopje
Chairman's Circle
Michael and Anne B. Golden
Wendell and Mary Reilly
Julia Cullinan, Walker Cullinan and Grace Patino
Rodman and Alice Moorhead
Winifred and Kevin Reilly Jr.
Jennifer Eplett Reilly and Sean E. Reilly
Grant Porter
Lauretta J. Bruno
President's Circle
Pamela Howard
Alex S. Jones
Joyce Barnathan and Steven Strasser
The Ewing Family
Jonathan M. Tisch
Mario Gabelli
Patrick Steel and Lee Satterfield
Matthew and Lisa Winkler
Katherine Field Stephen
Benjamin Heineman and Cristine Russell
Warren and Catherine Guthrie
Kenneth Vittor and Judith Aisen
Jane Coleman
Richard Gingras
Madelyn Pulver Jennings
Mark I. Bailen
Elizabeth Ballantine and Paul Leavitt
Jacqueline Barnathan and Kenneth Marlin
Natalie and Matthew Bernstein
David Callaway
Everette E. Dennis
Alice Franklin
George and Marina Hatch
Martina Hund-Mejean and Bruno Mejean
Rik Kirkland
Marcy McGinnis
Sharon Moshavi and Eric Weiner
Rob and Maureen Rehg
Cathy Sulzberger
Anonymous (18)
Michael Abramowitz
Patricia Abramson
Molly Ackley
Eric and Linda Adams
Jan Alexander
Eleanor M. Alger
Owais Ali
Joshua Meuth Alldredge
Alyson Andrus
Anita Anthonj
John Scott Applewhite
Suhas and Megha Apte
Hugh Arvin
Linda Austin
Azatuhi Ayrikyan
Diana Azznara
Joe Barnard
Daniel Barnathan
Elliot and Shelly Barnathan
Michael Barnathan
Erin Bassett-Nova
Arthur Belfer
Randall Benichak and Anna Strasser
Joshua Berke
Emily Birnbaum
Will and Berta Blades
Laura Blumenfeld
Karen Boorshtein
Ivonne and Luis Botello
Amanda Boyle
Barbara Boynton
Jim Brady
C. P. H. Braestrup
James Breiner
Martin Brochstein
Sandra Brody
Sarah Brown
Eugenie Buchan
Elisabeth Bumiller
Soraya Burgos
Peter Burrows
Patrick Butler
Robert Butler
Licy Do Canto
Sean Carlson
Alexa Carole
Emma Carrasco
Irv Chapman
Neil and Kathleen Chrisman
Ellen Cleary
Barbara Cochran
Kathy Cochrane
Paul Cohen
Alexander Cole
Jane Coleman
Margaret Collins
William Cooper
Peter Copeland
Nicolas Corai
Nicu Cornea
Cat Costa
Teresa Courtney
Lisa Crowley
Louise Curran
Mark D'Anastasio and Elisa Tinsley
Nancy Daniel
Catherine Davis
Mary Dean
Peter Degen
Denise Demong
John and Maureen Denison
Meggan Dissly
Gabriella Dos Santos Araujo
Lauren Dugas Glover
Amy Dunkin
Bruce Eissner
John Eklund
Bryan Ellison
Alan Elsner
Camelia Entekhabifard
Beth Erickson
June Erlick
Adeline Eure
Charles Evans
Alissa and Jon Fasman
Lanaea Featherstone
Barbara Field
Lou and Lisa Fiorese
Deborah Firestone
Sonja Fisher
Frank Folwell and Sherry Ricchiardi
Elizabeth J. Foster
Mary Beth Foster
Seth Friedman
Susan and Alan Friedman
Jay Frye
Janice Gams
Gregg Gelb
David Gelles
Matthew Genovese
Roseanne Gerin
Joan Nathan Gerson
Robert and Nancy Giles
Ellen Glogower-Newman
Edward Goldberg
Jake Goldberger
Amanda Golden
David Goldring
Jack Gordon
Neil Grace
David Grant
Susan Greenberg
Ronald Greene
John Grover
James Gunn
Stefan Gunther
Rita Gutmann
Jeremy Hajdu-Paulen
Brian Hale
Gregory Hamlin
Kathryn Hamm
Steve Hamm
Joshua Hammerman
John Maxwell Hamilton
Jennifer Hanawald
Frances Hardin
Timothy Harper and Nancy Bobrowitz
Leon Harris
Ed Harrison
Robyn Helzner
David Henry
Henning Hertel
Jeremiah Hester
Kevin Hicks
Angela Hill
Joan Hornig
Kiran Husain
Elizabeth Hylton
Alberto Ibarguen
Adi Ignatius and Dinda Elliott
Joshua Jamerson
Madelyn Jennings
Lawrence Jones
Nadine Joseph
Lisa Kasten
Steven Katz
Angela Kaziyeva
Gary Kebbel
John A.C. Keith
Will Keller
Rona Kiley
Ellis Kim
Hyangsook Kim
Gail Klewicki
Alison Kodjak
Susan Kommel
Lauren Koslow
Monica Kostreba
Karen Kotloff
Larry Kramer and Myla Lerner
Mary Kuntz
Jesper Lagerberg
Indira Lakshmanan
Richie Laser
David LaShell
James Latimer
Sherri and Del Lawin
Kate Lehrer
Zachary Leonard
Oren Levine
Steve LeVine
Elizabeth Levitin
Ross Levitt
Geoff Lewis
Alex Li
Mark Lima
Daniel and Margaret Loeb
Rafael Lorente
Karen Lowry-Miller
Steve Magida
Jane Malin
Julia Malone
Laura Manuel
Aliza Marcus
Travis Mason
Cliff Matheson
Tessa Matthey
Mitch Mccabe
Abbas Mehrabian
John Meyer
Jona Mici and Justin Weinberg
Annette Miller
Bruce Millinger
Joan McQueeney Mitric
Eli Mlyn
Scott Mlyn
Paul Mohr
Liva Moore
Donald and Ann Morrison
Andrew Mousssa
Ankita Mukhopadhyay
Matt Murray
Jennifer Naimy
Hank Narrow
Anne Newman
Lesley Oelsner and Lewis Kaplan
Carol O'Hare
Jeannie Ohm
Michelle O'leary
Juliana and Brian O'Reilly
Emma Oxford
Carol Pasmore
Adrienne Pedersen
Nicholas and Mary Ann Penning
William Perry
Laurette Petersen
Tuong Pham
Luisa Piette
Peter Pitegoff
Kristin Plansky
Lisa Powers
Shalini Prakash
Dana Priest
Julia Pyper
Esther Racoosin
Sudeep Reddy
Susan Reichle
Amanda Rhoden
Kate Robins
Lynn Roche
Alisa Rodny
Lynn and Andrew Rollins
Diane Rosen
Anne Roth
Carol Rubin
Willa Rubin
Michael Ruby
Sally Rudney and Scott Hoekman Family Fund
Cristine Russell and Benjamin Heineman
Beth Salveson
Menachem Schilit
Rachel Schindler
Robert Schloss
Favio Scobell
Beth-Ann Shanker
Sofia Shapiro
Sin-ming Shaw
Christopher Shays
Stephen Shepard and Lynn Povich
Thomas Short
Vjollca Shtylla
Julia Siler
Susan Slater
Brett Smith
David and Abigail Snoddy
Louise Stephaich
Bruce Stern and Irena Choi Stern
Kim Styler
Christine Summerson
Elizabeth and Robert Surcouf
Susan Talalay and Alberto Mora
Jonathan Taub
Michael Tharp
Jeremy Thompson
Margaret Thompson
Robert Thomson
Zoe Tillman
Donald and Barbara Tober
Rebecca and Phelps Tracy
Noah Tulsky
Natalie Turvey
Robert Varipapa
Michelle Vice
Kenneth Vittor and Judith Aisen
Willem and Marion de Vogel
Andrea Voulgaorpoulos
David Wakeman
Abby Wallace
Lawrence Walsh
Joby Warrick
Gerald Weaver
Edward Weidenfeld
Mark Whitehouse
Muriel Whorley
Laura Wides-Munoz
Jeremy Wien
Paul Wiener
Grace Willis
Donald Wilson
Joanna Winship
Margaret Winship and Doug Reed
Cathryn Wolf
Daniel Workman
Josh Wortman
Soleh Yahyaev
Bang Yang
Melissa Young
Fareed Zakaria
*Our Supporters are listed in each section on this page in order of the value of their generous grants and gifts to ICFJ*

We exposed corruption and human rights abuses working in a cross-border network supported by ICFJ.
— Lisseth Boon, Venezuela