About Pamela Howard

Pamela Howard plays a key leadership role as vice chair on the board of the International Center for Journalists. She has helped the organization chart strategy and build unprecedented levels of support since joining the ICFJ board at the invitation of ICFJ Founder Tom Winship in 2000.
She has been a longtime chair of ICFJ’s annual Tribute to Journalists gala, elevating the event into Washington, D.C.'s premier international news media event. Howard is a strong champion for the organization both at home and in global forums. ICFJ would not be where it is today without her deep commitment and support.
She is the latest in a storied line of innovators committed to great journalism. She is the granddaughter of the late Roy W. Howard, a dynamic journalist who built United Press into a worldwide news agency and led Scripps Howard Newspapers to their greatest period of economic prosperity and editorial prominence. She is the daughter of Jack R. Howard, the radio and television pioneer who launched Scripps Howard Broadcasting.
Through her role as trustee of the Scripps Howard Foundation, Howard established the Jack R. Howard International Fellowships at Columbia University School of Journalism, as well as the Roy W. Howard National Collegiate Reporting Competition at Indiana University Media School. For three years, she was publisher of a Long Island weekly newspaper. Before that she was a reporter for the New York Post and the Washington Daily News and worked in the National Review's advertising department.