Chani Guyot

At a time when it seems like there is too much bad news, ICFJ Knight Innovation Fellow Chani Guyot is building a network with stories about problem-solving that make readers lean in, not pull away. The Human Journalism Network, piloted in Latin America, will expand this year to 20 international members who will contribute and republish stories about the people and organizations that are solving social challenges. The project will be experimenting with a new business model and data tracking tools. The network’s journalism creates value through five dimensions of impact:
- To paint a more complete picture of our world
- To broaden our mutual understanding
- To spread the work of today's changemakers
- To inspire new ideas and solutions
- To impact the way we see the world
Guyot is an Argentine journalist, editor, and media innovator. After working at La Nación —one of Argentina's most influential newspapers—for 21 years (the last four of them as editor in chief) he stepped down to found RED/ACCIÓN, a digital media platform specialized in solutions journalism.
He is a board member of the World Editors Forum (within the World Association of News Publishers), and he participated in the Oxford Editor and CEO Forum. He is also a recent speaker at the World News Media Congress and the International Press Institute World Congress at Columbia University. He leads workshops and classes around solution journalism and New Digital Narratives at Universidad Mondragón (Spain), Fundación Gabo (Latin América), and Deutsche Welle Akademie (Central América). In 2017 he received a Konex Award for his achievements in editorial leadership.