Fernando Heredia

Opinion Columnist About Energy Topics

My name is  Fernando  Heredia. I  was born in a  very difficult time in my country.  By  1989, Argentina was going through a hyperinflation crisis that forced my parents to close their toy factory and become taxi drivers. Nevertheless, they managed to send me to a bilingual school and instilled in me the importance of a good education.  When I was a teenager, my concern and curiosity about the world’s problems got me interested in politics, history, and economics. I loved starting discussions between my friends or family about controversial topics and I realized that I could provide a useful service to society as a journalist. After graduating from college, I traveled as a backpacker around Latin America, the  United States, and Europe; an experience that I recommend to all journalists to open their minds. My first big job opportunity came in 2018 to be an economics reporter in“La Política Online”, a  very important news site of  Argentina. There, I began to get closer to the energy industry and I realized its value to achieve the world’s environmental goals of “The Paris Agreement”. Therefore, after finishing my MA in economics, I  started a  new  MA  in energy to become one of the most trained journalists on the subject of my country.  That decision quickly opened many paths for me.  I  was hired by  CNN Radio to host my energy show, and then became a columnist for a prime-time show on the same radio.  Finally,  I  decided to start my energy news site, a project that  I  intend to professionalize with the help of this program.