Luis Alberto Martínez Álvarez

Luis Alberto Martínez Álvarez is a professor and researcher in digital journalism with more than 12 years of experience. He is the founder of the Mexican Media Observatory and a teacher at the Anáhuac University of Mexico. He has a master’s degree in Science, Technology and Society from the National University of Quilmes in Argentina. Martínez Álvarez also won the National Award for Innovation in Transparency 2016 from the World Bank and the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Personal Data Protection (INAI). He is a member of the Latin American Network of FactChecking Trainers and the Network for Freedom of Expression in Latin America. Currently he provides support to various newspapers in Mexico.


News organization: Observatorio Mexicano de Medios (Mexico)

Partners: NDP Media / Noticias de Panamá (Panamá); La Tv Calle (Venezuela)