Oleg Shetsov

Oleg Shevtsov is General Director of the autonomous NGO publishing house MIR BELOGORYA. Mir Belogorya produces a daily newspaper, a weekly sports newspaper, a youth magazine, the children’s magazine Bolshaya Peremenka (Big Recess) and the website BelPressa (www.belpressa.ru). As the member of Russian Union of Journalists and the Presiding Commissioner of the Commission on Information Policy and Mass Communication Development of Public Chamber (Belgorod Region), Oleg participated in a program held by OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media. This 2015 program aimed to prevent the use of hate speech and propaganda by Russian and Ukrainian media. Oleg also teaches a workshop, “Fairy Tales About Journalism” for high school seniors, which helps them identify propaganda and manipulative technology in mass media and social networks. In 2015, Oleg along with journalists from children’s magazine Bolshaya Peremenka published “Amusing Journalism,” a book for young students.