Xenia Oliva


Xenia Oliva is a 2018 Professional Fellow from Latin America with ICFJ.

Xenia Oliva is a Salvadoran journalist with over seven years of experience in newsrooms. Before obtaining a bachelor’s degree in social communications from the Universidad Centroamericana “José Simeón Cañas” (UCA), she started to work at Diario El Mundo where she was assigned to cover homicides and cases at the courthouses. She was later transferred to the social area, where she started to work on topics related to the health and education system, women’s and LGBTQ rights, as well as covering the effects of natural disasters. Currently, she works at the data unit of El Diario de Hoy, creating investigative projects from databases. Last year, she obtained a master’s degree in Central American studies from the Universidad de El Salvador.