Media Party

As part of Leap, ICFJ's News Innovation Lab, the International Center for Journalists is partnering with Decentraland to sponsor a web3 and journalism track at Media Party in Buenos Aires, from August 25 to August 27, 2022.
Media Party is a community-first event, focused and organized by independent members. It is also a hands-on conference where people come to learn by doing and interacting with others.
The web3 track will include keynotes, workshops and lightning talks about the convergence of the journalistic practice and the web3 ecosystem. During the event, ICFJ and Decentraland will also be hosting a two-day hackathon for attendees to get inspired and build prototypes. The hackathon will be focused on the possibilities that web3 (tools, communities, funding and incentives) could provide to journalists and independent media projects.
Here is the agenda for the track:
- On Thursday, August 25 and Friday, August 26, there will be talks and workshops with international speakers, including Eric Mack from JournoDAO, KevinOnEarth from Decentraland Report, and Tinshui Yeung, an ICFJ fellow researching web3 journalism. To register for the event, go to
- Attendees may submit ideas at the Media Party 2022 "hackdash" until Saturday, August 27 at 11 am. Each person or team will have three minutes to share their proposal and finish forming a team among the face-to-face participants.
- Starting at 12 pm, they will work throughout that day to develop prototypes or sketch impact projects. Around 6 pm the teams will present their projects or prototypes, whether functional or mockups. A jury will decide which projects will be financed by Decentraland and ICFJ, and they will be announced that same day.
Leap is designed to give newsrooms across the world the space to explore the most essential challenges confronting journalism today and to shape its future. In addition to the web3 and journalism track at Media Party, Leap supports journalists and newsrooms with Solution Challenges and Knight Innovation Fellows.
Event Date/Location
Media Party
Ciudad Cultural Konex
Buenos Aires