The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) is conducting a valuable survey on online security for journalists and human rights defenders in Asia. This study will shed much-needed light on how news media professionals and human rights activists in Asia are working under conditions where their online security could be at risk.
The survey is part of a two-year security initiative that ICFJ developed in partnership with the Border Center for Journalists and Bloggers (BCJB). The Facebook Journalism Project supports this program. The survey results will inform our development of an unprecedented self-service online cybersecurity curriculum to be offered in multiple languages. The security program includes eight webinar training sessions on online safety methods and processes.
Your knowledge and experience are essential to the success of this project. The survey will take no more than five minutes to complete. Your responses will be confidential. The data will be reported in the aggregate, and no individual or organization will be identified.
A summary of findings can be made available for participants' own reporting.
Once you complete the survey, you will have the option to sign up for regular updates on upcoming security training opportunities.
Take the survey in Indonesian and Bengali.
Take the survey here.