
The latest news from the International Center for Journalists.


New Jim Hoge Reporting Fellows to Tackle Projects in Conflict Zones

As war and turmoil continue unabated in Ukraine and Palestine, the world relies on journalists to keep attention focused on the brutal conflicts and their effect on real people.

In honor of our late board chair Jim Hoge, ICFJ has just awarded two journalists fellowships to provide vital coverage of those conflicts. The 2024 Jim Hoge Reporting Fellows are Aziza Nofal, who reports from the West Bank for Al Jazeera and other outlets, and Maria Zholobova, a Russian journalist in exile who works for the investigative outlet IStories.


'Women Who Won the War' is Creating Space for Women in the Middle East to Tell Their Own Stories

The Syrian Civil War has claimed the lives of more than 500,000 people since protests against the government during the Arab Spring ignited into conflict in 2011. Nearly 7 million Syrians have fled abroad in a mass exodus, and an equivalent number have been displaced inside the country – in total, over half of Syria’s pre-war population. The war has since faded from global attention but Syrian journalists continue to report on it today, while bearing witness to the crimes committed in what has been one of the 21st century’s deadliest conflicts.

Three Journalists Awarded Inaugural Jim Hoge Reporting Fellowships to Cover Pressing Global Issues

A reporter known for her coverage of the Syrian War, a journalist in Nigeria specializing in Russia’s involvement in West Africa, and a journalist who reports on climate and gender in Brazil are the inaugural recipients of the Jim Hoge Reporting Fellowship.