We are leading the transformation of global journalism.
As technology transforms our industry, ICFJ trailblazers are developing new ways to gather information, tell data-driven stories and engage audiences through interactive techniques.
Disarming Disinformation is ICFJ's largest program addressing the information disorder we live in. It is a three-year globalprogram supported by the Scripps Howard Foundation.
In collaboration with News Corp and The Wall Street Journal, ICFJ is offering journalists from around the world an opportunity to sharpen their digital journalism skills, as well as support to develop data- and/or digitally-driven projects.
The 2025 News Corp Media Fellowship program includes digital innovation training, grant funding and exclusive newsroom placement with WSJ. It builds on previous iterations of the Fellowship, which since 2014 has offered journalists an immersive experience in some of the world’s most digitally advanced newsrooms.
The ICFJ Knight Fellowships instill a culture of news innovation and experimentation worldwide. Fellows help journalists and news organizations adopt new technologies to enhance their news gathering, storytelling, editorial workflows, audience engagement and business models.
With the support of the U.S. Embassy in Skopje, the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) is partnering with the Metamorphosis Foundation to provide foundational training to young journalists in North Macedonia.
Emerging Media Leaders is a program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Statewith funding provided by the U.S. Government and administered by ICFJ. This Professional Fellows Program (PFP) is an exchange program for media professionals (journalists, technologists, and media entrepreneurs) from Latin America and the Caribbean to harness the power of digital tools and create viable news businesses that provide news and information in the public interest.
With the support from YouTube, the ICFJ News Creator Award for Excellence in Independent Video Journalism recognizes excellence in the work of independent journalists and news creators who produce high-quality and reliable information.
Bridging Boundaries: Empowering Marginalized Communities in Jordan is a program funded by the U.S. Department of State (U.S. Embassy in Jordan). ICFJ’s Bridging Boundaries program aims to empower marginalized groups by providing them with innovative media and content creation skills, enabling them to share their stories effectively and reach a wide audience within Jordanian society.
Emerging Media Leaders is a program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Statewith funding provided by the U.S. Government and administered by ICFJ. This Professional Fellows Program (PFP) is an exchange program for media professionals (journalists, technologists, and media entrepreneurs) from Latin America and the Caribbean to harness the power of digital tools and create viable news businesses that provide news and information in the public interest.
With the support of the United States Embassy in Tbilisi, the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) is partnering with the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the Arizona State University (ASU) to equip Georgian media educators with the resources, skills, knowledge, and connections needed to strengthen their pedagogical approach and empower the next generation of Georgian journalists to advance a free and vibrant media.
O ICFJ, em parceria com a Meta e diferentes associações de mídia brasileiras, lança o programa Acelerando Negócios Digitais, que visa contribuir com a melhoria nos modelos de negócios e a sustentabilidade financeira de organizações de mídia no Brasil.