Partner with Elevate

ICFJ is partnering with companies, academic institutions and other groups on Elevate, a global news business hub. We would love to talk with you about opportunities to collaborate. Please reach out to ICFJ with any inquiries. Here are a few ways to partner:
As a Service Provider
- Share free tools and software that participants can use to overcome business issues
- Train Elevate participants on the use of tools and software, as needed
As a Program Speaker
- Present to Elevate participants for up to two hours, sometime between April and November 2022, on a business topic(s)
- Speaker fees can be provided
As an Expert
- Serve as a resource to program participants, dedicating at least two hours of time between June and November 2022 for one-on-one coaching
- A list of all experts will be available on ICFJ's website, as "Elevate's network of experts"
As a Program Mentor
- Work with program participants for up to four hours a week, between June and November 2022
- Each mentor will be responsible for supporting up to four news media outlets, meeting them once a week, following up on participant growth and reporting back to ICFJ
- This is a paid, consulting position
As a sponsor:
- Your company’s financial contribution will expand the impact of our program. Grants and contributions will help us equip more C-Level journalists with the skills needed to elevate their business skills so that media organizations can thrive.
- We gladly accept in-kind donations that advance our work. We are seeking technology, (such as cameras, computers), software, printing services, hotel accommodations, travel vouchers, for our staff and international participants.
- This initiative will bring business experts from top-notch companies in partnership with ICFJ. We welcome in-kind experts in these fields: budgeting, HR, marketing, etc