We can’t do data journalism without reliable data. Accurate source data is just as important to data journalism as a reliable human source is to a reporter’s interview. We need a central repository where you can share the data that you have already proved to be reliable. Our answer to this need: OpenData Latinoamérica, which we are leading as ICFJ Knight International Journalism Fellows.
The World Media Academy Delhi graduated its first class of students on Saturday, May 26, all of them armed with the skills to become professional multimedia journalists in today’s high-tech, competitive news environment.
"This is your chance to make a difference in your profession," Knight International Journalism Fellow Siddhartha Dubey told students during his commencement speech. "It really is all about the love for journalism and reporting.
When Knight International Journalism Fellow Harry Surjadi launched his mobile news network in rural Indonesia, it relied on Frontline SMS technology to work -- allowing citizens to text news reports that are sent to journalists, activists and others, and are aired on Ruai TV.
The project has been so successful -- empowering indigenous people to make their voices heard -- that Frontline SMS is profiling the project as an example of how journalists can use the software as an innovative