We help independent newsrooms thrive financially, adopting effective business models to ensure they can serve their audiences well into the future.
- Elevate, ICFJ’s news business hub, is providing independent small and mid-size news outlets with the training and resources they need to become financially viable so that they can provide accurate news to their communities.
- Emerging Media Leaders allows media professionals throughout Latin America and the Caribbean to work directly with U.S. media organizations, develop entrepreneurial projects and improve their skills.
- Through our Accelerating Digital Businesses program, over 160 media organizations and journalists of all types, sizes, and locations in Brazil have improved their business models and financial sustainability.

News outlets, especially those serving local communities and operating in fragile democracies, are facing unprecedented challenges and daunting odds. That’s why we are making a special effort to help journalists create new ventures, build stronger news outlets and achieve financial sustainability.