Workshop in Hyderabad for Bloggers on Global Issues and Challenges

The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), with the support from the U.S. Consulate General in Hyderabad, India, hosted the “Workshop for Bloggers on Global Issues and Challenges,” in January 2015. The program was offered to support media professionals and bloggers in the dynamic locale of Hyderabad to illustrate the impact of international issues on the daily lives of their local readership and India’s broader development objectives. ICFJ’s partner in Hyderabad was the Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI).

ICFJ South Asia participant Bikash Sharma shows trainer Sean Carlson a video he produced through the program.

Bloggers, whether working independently or for mainstream media organizations, can augment the existing flows of news and information. Insightful reporting and commentary by trained bloggers can deepen the amount of high-quality information available and raise the quality of public discourse on important regional issues to promote integration and shape the region’s future. Better informed people are more likely to understand and support better policies, indispensable for the goal of regional integration.

ICFJ and ASCI offered 25 journalists and bloggers from Hyderabad and other Indian states the opportunity to learn about various aspects of coverage on economics, climate change, conflict coverage and international organizations. ICFJ also offered training for creating and maintaining a professional blog. Participants were asked to produce stories after completion of the training. Translation into Telugu and Urdu was offered.

Program Dates:
1/19/2015 - 1/21/2015
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