Blog Post


El periodista que vende publicidad: conoce tu audiencia y tu medio

Muchos periodistas independientes tienen miedo de vender publicidad o patrocinios en sus medios digitales.

Pero si saben hablar de su audiencia y el posible valor al cliente, hasta un periodista inhábil puede lograr vender publicidad.

La regla dorada del mercadeo y las ventas es Conocer al cliente. Aquí el cliente es el usuario-lector-suscriptor. Si conocemos bien a éstos, podemos tratar mejor con los anunciantes-patrocinadores.

Encontrarse frente a vender, los periodistas tienen varias inquietudes:

-- No sé o me da vergüenza pedir dinero por servicios.


Ethics and professionalism don't stop bullets, but reduce risks

As a part of the ICFJ's program in Panama, we are training correspondents who frequently work under risk covering not only community issues but also crime in cities affected by drug trafficking. Ethics, professionalism and methods of verification and bullet-proofing stories are crucial elements in the workshops.

Panama -- For a brief moment, I felt like being in a Mexico province, not in Colon, at the Caribbean port of entry of the Panama Canal.


Malawi President Lifts Midwife Ban After News Reports Paint A Grim Picture for Pregnant Women

Malawi President Bingu wa Mutharika had just returned home from New York where he had been attending a UN heads of state summit to review the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), making a detour through Havana—a city known more for its cigars than for its pies.

As is customary, he held a press conference when he touched down at Chileka International Airport and used the occasion to flay his critics for complaining that his numerous foreign trips were draining the national treasury.


Election of Brazil’s First Female President Offers Lessons for Reporters

The election of Brazil’s first woman president should be hailed, but has not aroused many celebrations. A dirty campaign in which the media has a lot to answer for has much to do with that.

This Sunday, for the first time in its history, Brazil elected a woman to the country’s highest political office. Even for those with differing political views, this should have been hailed as an historic milestone in a nation with a male-dominated workforce. And yet, many people, weary of an incredibly negative, shallow campaign season, were just eager for it all to end.


A mountain is going to the provinces

PANAMA -- Journalists working from the Panama provinces are not quite fortunate in regard to training: they live and work to far away from the country's capital and don’t have the same opportunities to take seminars and workshops usually available for their colleagues in Panama City.

Reporters and editors working in the provinces are usually non-staffers, working as free-lancer correspondents for the main newspaper, national TV and radio companies; Unless they are willing to travel to Panama on their own to attend the workshops, they rarely receive training.

In some instances the m


La publicidad en móviles: poca pero prometedora

Saqué la calculadora para revisar algunas cifras recientes y verifiqué que la publicidad en móviles ha captado menos de la mitad del 1% del total publicitario en EE.UU.

Sin embargo, los $500 millones USD de publicidad en móviles 2010 doblará el total del año anterior, según dice Bloomberg Business Week.

El ritmo del crecimiento y no el total de dinero es lo


Scientists and Journalists Working Together

Editors Blog: Knight Fellow Rachel Jones emphasizes the importance of scientists and journalists working together.

How many researchers does it take to switch on the "lightbulb" of insight about the benefits of learning to talk to reporters?

About 20. And it really helps when one of them is the lead researcher on the Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Impact Study (PCVIS), Dr. Anthony Scott.


With the Push of a Button, A New Era Begins

Editors Note: Knight Fellow Rachel Jones talks about the new possibilities after receiving more than $43,000 for a new Health and Science Writers' Association.When I pushed the button on an email application for a Wellcome Trust Public Engagement grant back in late April, I was thinking a lot about the direction my Knight Health Fellowship would take in the months to come.


The Future of Fishing in Malawi

Editors Note: Knight Fellow Edem Djokotoe investigates the fishing industry in Malawi

The future of Malawi’s agriculture could lie in the hands of people like Heinrich Sitima, a 14-year-old school boy I met during a farm visit in Chiradzulu, a rural district some 30 minutes’ drive from Blantyre. He lives with his parents on Wambeu Farm, a 10-hectare sprawl with pigs, goats, cows, fish, bananas, cabbages, tomatoes, onions and a animal feed enterprise.

         Heinrich Sitima at Wambeu Farm in Chiradzulu 

Heinrich wants to be a farmer when he grows up.


Out With the Old and In With the New

A much-needed cleanup day did more than clear the dust at SLBC. It became symbolic of the change from stale, state-run facility to the nation’s first ever public broadcasting network. The “rescue team” of thirty-five active, young volunteers – men and women – clambered out of the poda-podas (converted mini-vans) sporting white t-shirts that read, “Support SLBC” early last Saturday morning.