Blog Post


The Power of Three

The first step in establishing a permanent training system in Peru takes place, as the nine stations are close to coming on board.

I love to run, something I’ve continued to do in Peru. But I never expected to find THIS growing under my shoe a mere 48 hours after my last outing! Mold. It’s one of the biggest problems in Lima, a city with one of the highest asthma levels in the world. But what really surprise me was how fast it grew. If only the rest of business in Peru moved as quickly...


A Young Journalist Sees NYPD Blue and Detects a Story

Six officers from New York City were standing around the tent camp in Haiti. Several questions later, the reporter I was working with had his first scoop.I generally reserve Tuesday mornings to work with Louis-Jean Olivier, a young journalist with the Haiti Press Network. Although Olivier had been studying journalism at the State University, he didn’t start working as a reporter until after the January earthquake, when on a fluke he ended up filing a story for HPN. He so impressed HPN’s owner that he was hired on the spot and has been working for the agency ever since.


“Elvis is in the building…” Welcome Gbanabom!

Gbanabom (Elvis) Hallowell was officially welcomed to the fold at SLBC as the new, permanent, Board-approved, presidentially-appointed Director General on October 1, 2010. After months of application forms, interviews, “politicking”, review committees and appointment processes, Gbanabom’s presence is a very welcome sign that things are moving forward in the transition from state-owned SLBS to the public broadcaster SLBC. Signs of progress can be few and far between but this giant step is hugely significant.


Community News Sites and Community Engagement

MalaysiaKini is currently working on a community news site, KomunitiKini, to provide news and information on communities across Malaysia. The local news situation in Malaysia is a microcosm of the national news situation, but only with fewer dedicated traditional news outlets. All of the local mainstream media is associated with a constituent party of the ruling coalition. Local or regional newspapers are relatively limited and coverage tends to focus on crime with limited reporting on community issues. Independent voices or community activism is restricted to online.


Red de sitios hiperlocales Patch capacitará a universitarios

La sociedad es significativa por dos razones: representa un gran esfuerzo de expansión por parte de la empresa matriz de Patch, el gigante de comunicaciones AOL, y estas universdidades son entre los más prestigiosos de EEUU.

La red de medios hiperlocales Patch ha hecho sociedades con 13 escuelas de periodismo en EEUU para capacitar a periodistas para sus sitios.

Según, Patch se intenta expandir a 500 comunidades desde sus 100 actuales en seis meses para hacerse la red de sitios hiperlocales más grande del país.


SLBC’s First Permanent Staff

For far too long, SLBC has operated under interim management. The appointment of Gbanabom and S.B., as they preferred to be called, is a culmination of a large number of events, negotiations, processes and procedures. It’s been a long road and we’re just starting our journey…

On October 1, 2010, the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation bid farewell to its “Acting Director General” and “Acting Deputy Director General,” Patrick Tarawalli and Mohamed Samura, respectively.


Cobertura segura II: prácticas para evitar el peligro

En este video el periodista y consultor Darío Dávila ofrece algunos consejos puntuales para los periodistas que trabajan en situaciones de alto riesgo.

Unos 40 periodistas mexicanos tomaron un curso de cuatro semanas en línea con el Centro de Periodismo Digital en Guadalajara y después 14 de ellos se reunieron en la Ciudad de México para un curso presencial.

Los participantes crearon un blog para compartir los aprendizajes con todos los colegas mexicano


Mi Panamá Transparente fue relanzado por los medios y la sociedad civil de Panamá

El sitio fue relanzado este miércoles 13 de octubre en la ciudad de Panamá. La denuncias ciudadanas comenzaron a llegar de inmediato.

PANAMÁ -- El mapa digital para registrar incidentes de crímenes y corrupción comenzó a recibir más denuncias ciudadanas, después de haber sido relanzado en Panamá.

Citizen Journalism in Uganda

Cradling a dead baby in her arms, a girl weeps as she walks alone down a dirt road in eastern Uganda.

About a year earlier, she learned she was pregnant. She turned to the baby’s father and his family for help and support, but they denied responsibility. Then, her own family spurned her. Though still a child herself, she had no choice but to leave her village and fend for herself. Six months later, she returned with the child, who had been born but subsequently died. She needed to find a place to bury him. But again the father, his family and her own family rejected her.


Rock-a-bye Baby… at the polling booth?

Peru’s mandatory voting law has some frustrating, and unexpected results during the recent regional and municipal elections.