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Para resistir censura, lanzaron la revista Emeequis

La revista Emeequis nació hace cuatro años cuando un grupo de periodistas renunciaron del semanario La Revista en vez de tolerar la censura de los directivos de la casa editorial matriz, El Universal.

En cinco meses, estos periodistas, liderado por Ignacio Rodríguez Reyna, recaudaron $250.000 USD de unos 400 socios y lanzaron la nueva revista. La historia singular de estos socios se encuentra en el sitio de la publicación.


¿Cuánto cobrar en tu sitio? Lo más posible

Esta pregunta es posiblemente la más común en las clases de periodismo emprendedor. La respuesta no es chistosa.

El truco de establecer un precio justo por la publicidad o un patrocinio en tu sitio debe equilibrar los intereses tanto del medio como del anunciante. Un precio justo debe representar el valor completo del servicio al patrocinador así como una recompensa justa al medio.

Costo por mil impresiones

Un método tradicional para establecer el costo de un anuncio en un medio es el costo por mil impresiones, o CPM.


Tendencia en medios: menos usuarios, más ingresos de cada uno

Más medios digitales están concluyendo que el tamaño de la audiencia no es tan importante como los ingresos generados por cada usuario.

Esta es la conclusión de Robert Andrews en un artículo en Paid Content (el original en inglés se encuentra aquí).

Rechazo de buscadores

La verdad es que el número de visitantes a cualquier sitio en la web se infla por los que llegan por buscadores y nunca regresan. Es probable que estos usuarios fugaces no son leales al medio digital ni a los patrocinadores.


Getting To Know You

One small, but very enterprising TV association in Lima, Peru aims to be inclusive and provide true coverage to an entire country... all with a little help from some friends.

The H is silent. That’s how I usually explain how my name is pronounced.  I thought it would no longer be an issue in Peru, but it turns out it’s an even bigger problem here! Locals pronounce the H with a guttural sound making my name sound German. Oh well.


Savana, Mozal and Air Pollution

Last year, the aluminum production company Mozal quietly requested authorization to operate with direct emissions (or bypass the filtering system) while repairing its Fume Treatment Centers (FTC) for six months, at a cost of $10-million. "Sub-optimal engineering in the centers," was the bland term used by Mozal assets president Mike Fraser to explain the need for repairs. Translation: shoddy quality.

The smelter, one of the largest foreign investments ever in Mozambique, is visible from the highway linking Maputo to South Africa.


Mural: a celebration of life in the periphery

A phrase once uttered once by one of the students who took part in the Mural course impressed me deeply.


Carpe Diem: Covering Health In Kenya Post Referendum

Two days after Kenyans defied expectations and peacefully, purposefully approved a new Constitution, I was processing two powerful emotions.

The first one mirrored my overall mindset during the 2008 US Presidential Election, when the chance to participate in an historic event was literally intoxicating. Being able to fly home from my ICFJ Kenya program base to vote only heightened the excitement. I know many Kenyans are feeling that same tidal wave of impact at defying the naysayers through the power of the ballot.

But the other sensation I’m feeling is deep relief.


New Digital Map Tracks Crime and Corruption in Panama

As a Mexican journalist living at the U.S.-Mexico border, I recognize the footprints of organized crime: drug-related executions, drug seizures, and drive-by shootings. I have seen these same signs in Panama. That’s why I think my project as a Knight International Journalism Fellow will be crucial for my Panamanian colleagues.

Citizens can tweet or submit an online form with their crime report. Soon they will be able to text as well. The reports are geo-tagged on a digital map using Ushahidi, an online platform that originated in Kenya to track violence during the elections.


Delivering the Goods: Overview of the Marketing and Product Development Process

Start-ups often grow organically and often need a little guidance on growth and development.


Mobile phone technology meets citizen journalism

When my health-journalism fellowship began two and a half years ago, I dreamed about finding the “killer app” for mobile telephones that would revolutionize journalism in Africa.

I didn’t make much headway, and the dream came to look like a wild fantasy. But today, 26-year old Lydia Namubiru is engineering the kind of leap forward I once dreamed would be my claim to fame.

The diminutive Ugandan was working as a features writer for the New Vision newspaper when I arrived in her country at the beginning of 2008.