Blog Post


Ukraine: How Women Journalists Are Covering the War

As Russian bombs rip through Ukrainian towns and civilians flee, journalists within and outside the country are countering false reports and filling the information gap caused by Russia’s news blackouts about the war. At TOK TV in Tbilisi, Georgia, Natia Kuprashvili put her team on full alert to make sure the news gets out to audiences who would be in the dark if not for courageous reporters.


On International Women’s Day, Meet Three Inspiring Journalists in ICFJ’s Global Network

Srishti Jaswal grew up in a small rural town in the Himalayas where there were no news outlets and no reporters. “In my entire life, nobody had ever seen a journalist before,” she says of her hometown in northern India. “We didn’t even know what journalism was.” 

Today, Jaswal is an award-winning journalist, reporting on controversial issues such as ritual killings despite receiving threats herself – all too common for women journalists in India. She is also a proud member of ICFJ’s global network of journalists, having benefited from ICFJ resources and training.


Standing with Ukraine's Journalists

All of us at the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) are deeply dismayed by reports from our brave Ukrainian colleagues and those journalists who are documenting Russia’s brutal effort to crush its neighbor. Because of their reporting, we know that Russian forces are attacking hospitals, schools, apartment buildings and now


La Disparition, a One-of-A-kind Media Outlet in Letter Form

"To you, reading me today.”

This is how the first edition of La Disparition addresses its reader. This new media, whose motto is "epistolary and political," tells the story of the disappearances of our world, whether it be a profession, a tree, or hope.

Every two weeks, readers receive something that is all too rare: a physical letter in the mail (the kind that brings joy, not a bill or a notice for a lost package at the post office).


Trust in journalism is in crisis. Here are some ideas to rebuild it.

The new year is the perfect time to reflect on the state of journalism today and what to expect (and strive for) in 2022. One of the most urgent challenges is declining trust in the news media. Fueled by political polarization and a swamp of disinformation, public confidence in journalism has reached crisis levels – and the consequences are serious not only for the industry, but for the health of our democracies. What can we do to reverse this dangerous trend?

Trust Me, I'm a Journalist

Being a journalist right now is not easy. You face daily menace and harassment from every corner: repressive governments and would-be autocrats, abusive Tweets and Facebook posts, as well as physical threats and an unprecedented risk of being killed for your work. Add to that the chronic stress of working in an industry bedeviled by existential financial crisis.


Journalists Embrace Management Opportunities — and Train for Them

This article first appeared on Nieman Lab, as part of an annual feature asking thought leaders in journalism and digital media to share predictions for the coming year.

Journalism is not just the (beautiful) art of reporting, writing, and publishing. Successful journalists are now those who can develop and


Czech Journalist Pavla Holcová Stresses the Value of Cross-Border Collaboration

If not for Czech investigative journalist Pavla Holcová, the world might not know the true extent of ties between the Italian mafia and the Slovak government, or who was allegedly behind the murder of Slovak journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancee. We certainly wouldn’t know enough.


Journalism's Future is Collaborative, and It's Here

I am delighted and humbled to take the reins of the International Center for Journalists as president. Delighted because journalism is my passion, my calling, and I am extremely fortunate to work in the field that I love. Humbled to succeed the amazing Joyce Barnathan and the legacy she has built over the last 15 years. I’m also humbled because, as you know, the news media is in the midst of an unprecedented upheaval, an upending of how journalists do their work. We are witnessing disruption everywhere: from story inception to editing to dissemination ​​– as well as how people pay, or don’t pay, for their news. 


Meet ICFJ’s New President: Sharon Moshavi

Ask Sharon Moshavi how she describes herself, and the first answer you hear is not “president” or “nonprofit executive,” but something simpler: journalist.

Before joining the International Center for Journalists in 2007, and taking the reins as president last month, Moshavi spent more than 15 years working as a reporter, including more than a decade as an international correspondent. “I still identify as a journalist, and with journalists,” she says. “My passion now is to support them as much as possible.”