For far too long, SLBC has operated under interim management. The appointment of Gbanabom and S.B., as they preferred to be called, is a culmination of a large number of events, negotiations, processes and procedures. It’s been a long road and we’re just starting our journey…
On October 1, 2010, the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation bid farewell to its “Acting Director General” and “Acting Deputy Director General,” Patrick Tarawalli and Mohamed Samura, respectively.
At a general staff meeting, Director General Elvis Gbanabom Hallowell and Deputy Director General Sana Bertrand Samura were welcomed as SLBC’s first permanent staff members.
For far too long, SLBC has operated under interim management. The appointment of Gbanabom and S.B., as they preferred to be called, is a culmination of a large number of events, negotiations, processes and procedures. It’s been a long road and we’re just starting our journey…
It’s not that there’ve been no staff or management at SLBC. But the crew – the united folks from SLBS and UN Radio – have worked under short-term contracts for the past eight months or so. I should note that these past months have not been easy on staff or the people trying to support this transition. Acting management have tried their best. Contracted staff – journalists, producers, engineers, et al., – have done their best given the frustrations, contradictions, tensions and trials we’ve all experienced.
“Elvis is in the building”… and Gbanabom has taken the reins. Welcome.