
The latest news from the International Center for Journalists.


ICFJ-Backed Journalists Investigate Corruption in Challenging Countries

As democracies around the globe erode, high-impact investigative journalism that serves the public interest is even more crucial. At ICFJ, supporting this work has been and always will be essential to what we do. Over the years, we have seeded and grown cross-border investigative networks.

Reporters Reveal Corruption Along U.S.-Mexico Border

After investigative journalist Isabel Mercado revealed troubling kinks in the supply chain for cancer drugs along the U.S.-Mexico border, the Mexican state of Baja California pressed charges against the former officials involved, who now face up to 17 years in prison.


Protocolos de Seguridad Para Periodistas En el US-Mexico Frontera

En el marco del programa del Hub de Periodismo de Investigación de la Frontera Norte que impulsa ICFJ junto al Border Center, el pasado 4 de noviembre se lanzaron una serie de protocolos de seguridad con especial foco en los riesgos distintivos de la zona norte de México. Sin embargo, muchos de los elementos que se comparten en los documentos pueden ser útiles para periodistas de otras regiones de México y América Latina.


How a Reporting Network at the U.S.-Mexico Border is Helping Reduce Corruption

In 2009, a fire at a nursery school in Hermosillo, Mexico, claimed the lives of 49 children and injured more than 40 others. In response, the Mexican government dedicated millions of dollars to helping the victims and their families. But that money seemed to disappear before it reached them. 

That is, until investigative reporter Alan Aviña asked the right questions. His investigation revealed that a state official had hired family members to assist her in stealing about $500,000 from the government’s response to the fire. The impact: Mexico’s Institute of Social Services (IMSS) barred the corrupt official from holding public office for the next 12 years. 

To bring that corruption to light, Aviña used skills he had learned as a participant in the Mexico Border Investigative Reporting Hub (the Border Hub). ICFJ runs the five-year program in partnership with the Border Center for Journalists and Bloggers with support from USAID. 


Mexican Journalists Uncover Corruption in U.S.-Mexico Border States

Dozens of Mexican factory workers have died on their way to work at manufacturing plants in at least 52 accidents, a recent investigation by journalists in Tijuana, Baja California, found. The workers were riding in vehicles provided by their employer that were in dangerously poor condition, the investigation revealed. 


Cuatro Organizaciones Fronterizas Reciben Subvenciones para Periodismo de Investigación

El Centro Internacional de para Periodistas ha dado Subvenciones para Fortalecer Capacidades de Investigación a tres medios de comunicación independientes y a una organización de la sociedad civil quienes trabajan en la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México. Las subvenciones ayudarán a las organizaciones a proporcionar investigaciones detalladas sobre corrupción, transparencia y otros asuntos desafiantes en la región fronteriza que comparten ambos países.


Four Border Organizations Receive Grants to Strengthen Investigative Journalism Capacity

The International Center for Journalists has awarded organizational reporting grants to three independent media outlets and a civil society organization working at the U.S.-Mexico border. The grants will help these organizations conduct in-depth reporting on corruption, transparency and other challenging issues vital to both countries.