The Elections 2012 Visiting Journalists Program

About the Program

Though the results of the 2012 U.S. Presidential elections were announced to the world on Tuesday, Nov. 6, 49 foreign journalists were able to provide first-hand reports on the outcome to their readers, listeners and viewers in their home countries. This opportunity came from their participation in The Elections 2012 Visiting Journalists Program.

The program, which ran from Oct. 25 to Nov. 8, offered each participant a front row seat to history, as they were stationed in battleground states across the United States.

With reports coming from Florida, Wisconsin, Colorado, Nevada and others, readers and listeners in Pakistan, Russia and 44 other countries followed stories about the voters, about the issues that dominated the U.S. election coverage and about the candidates themselves.

During the two-week program, which was sponsored by the U.S. State Department’s Foreign Press Center, the journalists also sat in on a series of briefings in Washington, D.C. Sessions and panels were conducted by media trainers, seasoned campaign reporters and election scholars, giving the journalists a glimpse into the democratic process before they witnessed it themselves.

Participants for this program were nominated and have been selected.

Hosts and Participants



Luciana Guena, a participant in the 2008 Elections Program, at a rally in Kissimmee, Fla.



North Carolina:

New Hampshire:


Luciana Guena, a participant in the 2008 Elections Program, at a rally in Kissimmee, Fla.




Washington, DC:


Program Dates:
10/24/2012 - 11/7/2012
Program Type

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