Expanding investigative journalism and transparency in Nicaragua

The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), in partnership with the Fundación Violeta B. de Chamorro, is offering a new program focused on addressing transparency and digital security issues in Nicaragua. Through this program, investigative journalists will be able to develop and strengthen their capacity to produce in-depth reports covering topics of national interest.

During this program ICFJ will provide several opportunities for journalists in Nicaragua, including:

  • Fellowships and mentoring focused on investigative journalism;

  • Webinars on digital security and its best practices;

  • Regional conferences with expert panelists;

  • Access to CONNECTASHub, a platform that promotes investigative journalism through collaborative work in Latin America.

Opportunities will be posted on this page as they become available. Check back soon.

Lee en español.

Program Dates:
8/31/2018 - 8/30/2019
Program Type