This training program has been extended to early 2013. It promotes the concept of citizen journalism, where members of the public play an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminating news and information through traditional and non-traditional media outlets.
Professional journalists participating in the program learn more about the concept of citizen journalism, including: citizen journalism best practices, ethical issues in dealing with citizen journalists and their content and the latest new media tools for citizen and professional journalists to achieve more exciting and interactive media content.
Professional and citizen journalists also receive capacity-building on a variety of social, gender, environmental and political issues of importance to the general Egyptian population.
Professional journalists also help citizen journalists produce stories on social, gender, environmental and political issues of importance. These stories are published/broadcast in/on participating media organizations’ websites, newspapers, radio and TV programs.
More about this program
Contact Info
International Center for Journalists
2000 M Street NW, Suite 250
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: (202) 737-3700