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For more information about the dates and topics of the webinars, you can access the program agenda.
The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) plans to design, develop and distribute an effective Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) with the main objective of equipping journalists, civil society leaders, and educators with the skills to monitor, analyze, and report on public infrastructure projects in Panama which over the last four years represented more than $5 billion. Panama has been plagued with corruption scandals involving high-level government officials and well-connected individuals involving public works. This MOOC will build on ICFJ’s Open Data Panama project aimed at creating a community of CSOs and journalists working together to open public records to strengthen transparency and government accountability. With this MOOC, this community – which includes representatives of more than a dozen CSOs and media organizations – will expand its skills and opportunities to fight corruption and impunity, two of the most serious problems affecting Panama’s still fragile democracy.
The instructors for this course include recognized experts in the field, such as the recognized Argentinian journalists Sandra Crucianelli, ex-ICFJ Knight Fellow, and Costa Rican Hassel Fallas, a specialist in data analysis and data editor for the Center for Collaborative Investigative Journalism. The course will also include a presentation by other experts on subjects relating to transparency and public contracts, including Olga de Obaldia, Executive Director of the Foundation for Development and Citizen Liberty/International Transparency Panama, Alberto Gasnell Acuña, Partner Director of CGA Lawyers and Consulting, and Jorge Umaña Cubillo, consultant in open government materials for Open Contracting Partnership.
As part of the program, ICFJ has the opportunity to give out 3 grants of up to $1,000 each for investigative reporting projects in Panama. The application period for the grants is now open and you can apply by using this form. The deadline is Friday, September 10. We are very excited to announce that Sandra Crucianelli, the instructor for the MOOC, will be joining us as a mentor for the grant recipients. The mentorship will last for three months, from the beginning of September to the beginning of December. Those who publish their stories will also have the opportunity to present their projects in a virtual webinar at the end of the mentorship period.
This opportunity is open to all Panamanians currently living in Panama.
For more information, please email Luis Botello at lbotello@icfj.org or Cory Sagerstrom at csagerstrom@icfj.org with any questions.