TruthBuzz Fellow FAQ

Please note, we are no longer accepting applications for this fellowship. 
TruthBuzz Fellow Criteria

TruthBuzz Fellows must have the experience and skills necessary to envision and execute successful projects. Below is a list of preferred qualifications. We recognize that not every Fellow will have every skill.

Required qualifications include:

  • Experience working in newsroom
  • Sharp audience-engagement and communications skills
  • Entrepreneurial mind-set and demonstrated background in getting projects off the ground
  • Demonstrated interest in experimenting with alternative and creative forms of storytelling
  • Professional proficiency (speaking, reading and writing) in English
  • Ability to communicate program results as a speaker, writer

Do I have to be senior in my career to apply?

You don’t have to have decades of experience to be a TruthBuzz Fellow. Can you lead teams? Get projects off the ground? Effectively communicate results? Titles matter less than track-records.

What is the fellowship process?

ICFJ will consider candidates on a rolling basis, that means that we will start conducting interviews as soon as appropriate candidates are identified. We may close applications if we select a Fellow, so please submit applications as soon as possible. Fellows selected for the program will attend an orientation program in Washington, D.C.

How long does the Fellowship last?

With the exception of the United States, the TruthBuzz Fellowships will last six months. The U.S. TruthBuzz Fellowship will be 12 months. 

What does the Fellowship cover?

During the Fellowship, each Fellow receives an allowance for expenses related to the Fellowship, and a monthly honorarium.

Can Fellows work on other projects or continue to work as journalists during their fellowships?

No, the TruthBuzz Fellowship will be a full-time contract position.


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