Investigative Reporting

Investigative Journalism

We make sure the powerful can’t bury the truth.

ICFJ establishes and strengthens investigative reporting networks working across borders to hold the powerful to account, revealing corruption, crime and human rights abuses.


Hub de Periodismo de Investigación de la Frontera Norte

Un programa de cinco años dirigido por el Centro Internacional para Periodistas (ICFJ, por sus siglas en inglés) tiene como objetivo disuadir y apoyar la transparencia de la corrupción en México mediante el fortalecimiento de las habilidades investigativas de periodistas.

Program Dates

Empowering the Truth Tellers: Asia Investigative Reporting Network

The Asia Investigative Reporting Network (AIR Network) aims to empower journalists across Southeast Asia through training, networking and financial support. By fostering collaboration and providing resources, we enable journalists to expose abuses of power and corruption – expanding high-impact, investigative reporting that serves the public interest.

Program Dates

Panama: Periodismo para la Transparencia

ICFJ, con el apoyo de la Embajada de los Estados Unidos en Panamá, colaborará con nuestra red de periodistas investigativos panameños, educadores de medios y socios para implementar una iniciativa de 18 meses que tiene como objetivo mejorar y aumentar la cobertura del gasto público y la gobernanza mediante la capacitación de periodistas en periodismo de datos e investigación.
Program Dates

Panama: Journalism for Transparency

ICFJ, with support from the US Embassy in Panama, will collaborate with our network of Panamanian investigative journalists, media educators and partners to implement an 18-month initiative that will aim to improve and increase coverage of government spending and governance by training journalists on data and investigative journalism. ICFJ will employ our tested “funnel approach” to programming, which starts with scale and width by engaging a large number of journalists, and then emphasizes depth via targeted and competitive training.

Hans Staiger Investigative Reporting Award

Journalists in the global network of the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) are invited to apply for the Hans Staiger Investigative Reporting Award to pursue an investigative project of their choosing. Applicants should submit a project idea that seeks to uncover hidden truths, expose wrongdoing, and reveal information that holds the powerful to account.

Program Dates

Covering the Guatemalan Political Crisis: Support for Independent Journalists

To support the independent media covering this political crisis while holding government officials accountable, the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), in partnership with the recently created Central American Network of Journalists, is announcing a new initiative to provide emergency assistance to journalists, including editorial mentorship, training and reporting grants.